Walker Niebergall
Knight Errant: What’s your best quality?
Walker Niebergall: I’m really good at origami—the ladies love them.
KE: What would make you a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
WN: I live with four girls. I guess you could call them my sisters. I respect women.
KE: What’s your favorite rom-com?
WN: The Notebook.
KE: Who’s your senior crush?
WN: Laura Deutz.
KE: What’s your ideal date?
WN: One with Laura.
KE: What is most important in a possible significant other?
WN: Someone that looks like Laura.
KE: What’s your pet peeve?
WN: Someone that isn’t loyal. Yeah.
KE: What song relates best to your love life?
WN: Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes.
KE: What Disney princess are you most similar to?
WN: Fiona from Shrek.
KE: Who is your freshman crush?
WN: Jacinda Smith because she once told me she liked my style.
KE: Best pickup line?
WN: Whenever I’m in Wisconsin, I say “Hi, I’m from Minnesota.” That usually works.