10 websites for surviving the school year

Ashley Ortizcazarin

Grace Gyolai and Claudia Elsenbast think the internet is pretty neat.

Claudia Elsenbast, Diversions Editor

1. Slader

You didn’t do your homework? That’s okay. Pop open this bad boy and in no time Mr. Bowler will check you off for the day. But make sure to learn the material later because tests are hard.

2. Haiku (or Powerschool)

Is it Haiku or Powerschool? Who knows, and who really cares? This website is the plug for all things school: assignments, schedules, test dates and more. Besides having a great layout, it also has nifty and accessible links to pretty much every BSM website/online thing.

3. Sparknotes

Reading books is for people who have time. If you don’t, log on to the internet and in minutes you will be ready for Mrs. Joseph’s “pop quiz” that the hour before you already took.

4. Calc Chat

See Slater, but more like it if slater doesn’t have your math/ science/ anything textbook.

5. Spanish Dict

Note the T in Dict. If you don’t, Sra. Murray will be sure to over-pronounce it for you. This website will easily help you save hours on Spanish homework instead of wasting your time on Word Reference.

6. Grade Saver

This website is a time-saving beauty. Totes worth the visit. Don’t sleep on this site.

7. Schmoop

If Sparknotes does not have your book, Shmoop is your new best friend. 

8. Netflix

If you don’t know this site, I suggest you check it out, and then proceed to spend all of your free time watching Stranger Things.


This fact-checking site is nifty as heck. If you need to prove a statistic, or make sure your science paper is accurate, a brief visit to this site will save you tens of points on this site.

10. Countdown

Specifically this countdown to the best day to be a Red Knight: the last day of school. Good luck fellow adolescents.