The low rider
No one in their right mind sits in a plastic chair for the lumbar support. Sure, sitting with your legs fully extended may allow a person to stretch out and relax, if it was possible to relax in school. The angle of the desk perfectly allows the student to conceal and continue conducting the extremely important snapchats. If someone is slouching in class, they’re probably utilizing “the low bar,” technique.
Riley O’Connor
KE: What makes you an eligible bachelorette?
RO: Oh, boy. I’m kind of weird, so I guess I would keep you entertained? Um, I work at Punch Pizza, so I could get you a 50% off discount on your pizza or your salads. Which is ideal; definitely what you want.
KE: What is your ideal date?
RO: Probably going to get food, and then go laser-tagging or bowling. I just feel like if anything, if [my date] tried to plan anything super extravagant out, I’d just get really uncomfortable, and probably not go.
KE: Do you think you’d be a good girlfriend?
RO: Oh, yeah, for all you single guys out there. Just the best.
KE: Why?
RO: I guess I talk a lot, so you wouldn’t have to.
KE: What are your hobbies?
RO: Well, I’m on the bowling team; I golf, I go out to eat at least six times a week, and I like to watch Netflix, soooo…
KE: Favorite pickup line?
RO: Probably, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only Ten I See.” The classic one.
KE: What are your thoughts on PDA?
RO: Uhhh, not a fan, honestly. PDA kind of creeps me out.
KE: What do you look for in a significant other?
RO: They smell good; they can make me laugh, and they don’t have a big ego.
KE: Who is your current BSM crush?
RO: Oh, boy. I have so many. I guess Jack Gannon.