The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Riley O’Connor

Bella Szarzynski

Take note, Jack Gannon.

KE: What makes you an eligible bachelorette?

RO: Oh, boy. I’m kind of weird, so I guess I would keep you entertained? Um, I work at Punch Pizza, so I could get you a 50% off discount on your pizza or your salads. Which is ideal; definitely what you want.  

KE: What is your ideal date?

RO: Probably going to get food, and then go laser-tagging or bowling. I just feel like if anything, if [my date] tried to plan anything super extravagant out, I’d just get really uncomfortable, and probably not go.

KE: Do you think you’d be a good girlfriend?

RO: Oh, yeah, for all you single guys out there. Just the best.

KE:  Why?

RO: I guess I talk a lot, so you wouldn’t have to.

KE: What are your hobbies?

RO: Well, I’m on the bowling team; I golf, I go out to eat at least six times a week, and I like to watch Netflix, soooo…

KE: Favorite pickup line?

RO: Probably, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only Ten I See.” The classic one.

KE: What are your thoughts on PDA?

RO: Uhhh, not a fan, honestly. PDA kind of creeps me out.

KE: What do you look for in a significant other?

RO: They smell good; they can make me laugh, and they don’t have a big ego.

KE: Who is your current BSM crush?

RO: Oh, boy. I have so many. I guess Jack Gannon.

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