BSM student P3T3R’s Krazy Kat World Tour was litter-ly purr-fect

January 26, 2016

Parody artist and BSM Senior Peter McCague, known to the world as P3T3R, made his debut in his inspiring premiere concert: “The Krazy Kat World Tour.” With his face literally plastered around the school for weeks leading up to the event, over one hundred students packed into the Hamburge Theater on January 15 to see the icon himself.

It is easy to say that “The Krazy Kat World Tour” is unlike any concert the world has ever seen. Within the first thirty seconds, P3T3R was lowered by a crane to the main floor ready to sing and meow his heart out. Even before any lyrics were sung, student were on their feet cheering, ready for whatever this concert had in store.

With his opening songs “If You’re Ready Come and Pet it” and “Mile (Never Run One),” P3T3R easily won the hearts of the crowd. Whether students were relatively new fans or had been with P3T3R since his humble beginning, the lively environment made it impossible not to be dancing and purring along with the composed singer.



After performing his original hit parodies “Young and Playful,” “Purr,” and “Creepy Cats,” P3T3R surprised the crowd with a guest singer and BSM junior, Elizabeth Kupchella. Under the subdued lighting of a cardboard cut out street lamp, the two harmonized to the song “Halo,” by Beyoncé.

As the night went on, P3T3R revisited songs from his early career and the performances became somewhat nostalgic as he rolled across the stage in a laundry basket signing his first hit “Stalker Re-loaded.” 

The final song for the evening, “Cat Party in the U.S.A.” had the whole audience wishing the show would never end. “The Krazy Kat World Tour” ended with a bang as balloons fell from above, and left the crowd begging for an encore.

At the end of the concert, students flooded their way to the Main Lobby, waiting to congratulate the artist on his well-rounded performance. Although there was a high demand of autographs and selfies with the artist, Knight Errant was able to hold a brief press conference with P3T3R: “This has always been kind of a weird thing and it means a lot that so many people have supported this weird hobby. [It’s] cool that this is something I put together and this is something people wanted to see,” McCague said.

Purr-fect is the only word to describe the debut concert. Not only was the main performer P3T3R hitting every note, but the collective choreography, acoustics, and lighting made the concert a true ensemble and well worth the $3.

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