Design for new bathrooms announced

Keenan Schember

The plans for the new bathrooms have been laid out and can be viewed in the Main Lobby.

Henry Bird, Staff Writer

This spring, the BSM maintenance team plans to upgrade the bathrooms in the school. The maintenance staff members have been hard at work planning for the new bathrooms. “We plan on putting in LED lighting, redoing the tiles and the sinks, and soap fixtures. Lots of aesthetic stuff,” Mr. Dean Laird, BSM’s Head of the Maintenance, said.   

The maintenance team plans on updating all of the bathrooms, starting with those in the main hallway and Haben Center. Although the initial process of changing the bathrooms will start in the spring, actual construction won’t start until the summer, so that the daily routine of students won’t be interrupted.  “Each bathroom should take five weeks, and we’re hoping that the construction company will be able to do two at a time,” Mr. Laird said.

They also hope to redo the plumbing so they can put in new toilets, however doing this can be expensive so they haven’t made a decision on that yet. All of the bathrooms are planned to be ready for next school year.