The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Keenan Schember

Logan Radle, PE and Wellness

Knight Errant: Where were you before BSM?
Logan Radle: I am currently graduating from UW River Falls, and I actually just graduated in May. I’m originally from Plum City, Wisconsin.

KE: What is your teaching background?
LR: Physical Education and Health and Wellness.

KE: What specific classes will you teach this year?
LR: I’ll be doing ninth grade team sports and tenth to twelfth grade Wellness classes.

KE: Why do you enjoy teaching?
LR: I enjoy interacting with students, with the younger generation. I feel as though it’s very essential to create a foundation at a young age for students, that they can live off and I guess emit off for the rest of their lives so they have a positive attitude and they succeed.

KE: What aspect of teaching appeals most to you?
LR: Helping out younger students so that they can find their way in life. A lot of kids need help at a young age and don’t have the resources that other kids are provided with. So, to me, I get a lot of fulfillment from helping someone who is in need of help rise to the top.

KE: How will you contribute to the BSM community?
LR: In any way. I’m actually coaching football right now, with Freshman football. I’ve been doing that for the last week and a half, and then any extracurricular activities I am all ears for, to be a part of this community, not just a part of the school.

KE: What do you look forward to in the new year?
LR: Creating a foundation for my position as a Phy Ed and Wellness teacher, and having a program which is successful and having kids excited to come to my class and learn and grow from my teaching.

KE: What is your favorite TV show?
LR: Either The Office or Seinfeld. They’re kind of the same, but The Office is like the next generation of Seinfeld because Seinfeld is older.

KE: Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, or Beyoncé?
LR: I would probably go with Rihanna, probably only because I had a crush on her when I was younger. I had like a three-ring binder with pictures of her all over, so I gotta stay with my girl Rihanna.

KE: Cats or Dogs?
LR: Oh, dogs, definitely. I have a German Shepard, so I’m a big dog guy.

KE: Favorite childhood memory?
LR: Oh my gosh, that’s so hard. I guess it would just be when we were younger, I grew up in a small town, so we would all meet at my one friend’s house in the summer and pretty much every night we had our huge bike gang and we would play hide and go seek, or football, or basketball. You name it, and we were out until like ten at night all the time. That made my parents mad that I was always coming home late.

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