Peter Kirwin, Engineering
Knight Errant: Where were you before you came to BSM?
Peter Kirwin: I grew up in Stillwater.
KE: What is your teaching background?
PK: I taught Physics at Cretin-Derham Hall for eight years, and then I came here.
KE: What specific classes will you teach this year?
PK: Engineering One and Engineering Two.
KE: Why do you enjoy teaching?
PK: I like it because young people are really unpredictable, and old people can be really boring.
KE: What aspect of teaching appeals most to you?
PK: Just getting to work with lots of people and getting to help students, you know, become better people.
KE: How will you contribute to the BSM community?
PK: Well, I’ll try to do my job well, for one thing. I guess I don’t know yet. I’m open to opportunities that come up.
KE: What do you look forward to in the new year?
PK: The engineering program seems to be really awesome; I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and am excited to see how that works.
KE: What is your favorite TV show?
PK: The West Wing.
KE: Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, or Beyoncé?
PK: Rihanna.
KE: Cats or Dogs?
PK: Cats.
KE: Favorite childhood memory?
PK: Define childhood.
KE: Zero to eighteen.
PK: I wrote a song for a talent show my senior year of high school, and it was for guitar and tuba and string octet and choir, and I actually got all of the pieces together and it was really fun.