Justice Club holds memorial prayer vigil

Emma Johnston, Staff Writer

During sixth hour on Thursday, December 4, through all lunches, the Justice Club and the Diversity Club joined together and hosted a prayer vigil in the chapel. The vigil was held for the justice of the victims of police brutality and included reading the names of the victims and lighting candles in their remembrance. “We are disappointed, we are saddened, and we are moved to action by the recent decision to not indict the police officers,” said senior and co-leader of the Justice club Parker Breza.

The prayer vigil was student run, but Mr. Mike Jeremiah, Campus Minister, was consulted about how to set it up. “Students will gather to pray and ask for clarity and guidance,” said co-adviser of the Justice Club Mr. Joel Loecken, “As a community of faith I think that prayer is an appropriate action to take.”