One-act cast to act out “Falling”

Falling, by Deanna Jent, is Benilde-St. Margaret’s drama that is to be performed this season for the One-act play competition. “I liked it because it’s a nicely written play about a family dealing with a very autistic child. I like the way it deals with it, and it doesn’t trivialize the situation; it doesn’t glamorize the situation. It’s an honest look at the situation and I like the play because of that,” Maura Brew, director of the production, said.

Apart from the appeal of Falling, and it’s accurate representation of a family living with an autistic child, Brew had two other main reasons for choosing the drama. “I want BSM to stage a play that we can be proud of, that’s number one. Number two: I want this project to have some impact in just trying to understand autism. It’s kind of a two fold project. I like the fact that we’re performing at a One-act competition, but I hope that maybe we’ll be able to perform this play for other audiences within the school and for parents so that we can present this issue,” Brew said.

Brew will get the opportunity to do just that, because BSM will be hosting multiple One-act competitions right here at BSM. “The exciting thing is that the Sub-sections, and indeed the Conference meet, are both here at Benilde, so it would be awesome if some students or if some of the community would come and support the cast. The conference is on January 27th, and sub sections is that Thursday, the 29th,” Brew said

The cast is rather small, but it sure packs a lot of talent. The cast consists of 18-year-old son Josh (Luke Guidinger), mother Tami (Mary Pat Ross), father Bill (Hugo Lindsay), Grammy (Sabrina Ehrmantraut), and Lisa (Josie Ross) along with understudies Jacqui Thiesen and Joe Busch. Brew is also looking for a tech crew to help bring the production to life through lighting, sound, and set. “I’m really excited about the cast we’ve got, but I’m really sad it wasn’t a cast of fifteen or twenty that everyone could’ve been a part of,” Brew said.