BSM Debuts Student Ambassador Program

Marley Rozman

Ms. Samantha Savoie, Assistant Director of Admissions, coordinates the Red Knight Student Ambassador Program.

Megan Hamilton, Staff Writer

While many BSM students are familiar to the Red Carpet Club, this year, the program has been renamed the Red Knight Student Ambassador Program. Though there are no major differences from the programs, the staff is hoping that the new name would encourage more students to join.

The role of Student Ambassador includes welcoming possible students who are looking to join the BSM community and spending a school day with them. It also requires attending one of the multiple open houses and possibly visiting an elementary school for a day to introduce younger students to BSM.

In order to become an ambassador, students must go through an application process. In addition to this, students must have one teacher fill out a recommendation survey. Students can find the application online or on the Administration office bulletin board. Ms. Samantha ย Savoie, the head of the Red Knight Student Ambassador Program commented on this process. โ€œIf you want to be involved, just join, don’t be worried about your involvement at BSM. We would love to have many students with different kinds of BSM experiences to join the programโ€ she said. All students interested in joining the Red Knight Student Ambassador program need to apply by Friday September 26.