Speech team brings home multiple awards

Sarah Letscher, Staff Writer

The BSM speech team brought home multiple awards as they drove back from their Birds of Prey Tournament in New Hope. With both novice and varsity players pooled together to compete, eleven BSM students finaled.Matt Brinza and Jacqui Theisen were declared champions in Dramatic Duo, while Stephanie Galvin and Nolan Arostegui took 3rd in that category. Molly Eldevik was awarded 2nd in Great Speeches. Katie burns took home 4th in Discussion; Leo Driessen won 4th in Humor; Payton Turner was awarded 4th in Drama; Sam Letscher got 4th in Great Speeches. Three BSM students were awarded 5th: Mary Pat Ross, Sierra Twesten, and Sam Letscher, in Prose, Drama, and Original Oratory, respectively. Two students, Sophie Madden and Annika Wahlquist, took home 7th place in Original Oratory and Prose.

Overall, the BSM Speech Team was in 4th place. โ€œIt was a new tournament, and we really didnโ€™t know what to expect. I knew there would be at least one large school, but I had not idea that other schools would bring their A-game, and they did. Given that, I think our team did exceptionally well,โ€ said speech team coach Maura Brew. They hope to find similar success at their next tournament at Bloomington.