Senior high honor roll released

Joe Kleven, Staff Writer

The honor rolls for the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year were made available to the public last Friday, with a total of 564 senior high students making the list.

Sophomore and junior classes were tied with the most students on the high honor roll, each with 83. 76 freshman students made the list, as well as 62 seniors. A minimum 3.7 GPA for the semester was required for a place on the high honor roll.

The honor roll, where a 3.3-3.6999 was the required GPA for a spot on the list, comprised of 86 seniors, 65 juniors, 48 sophomores, and 61 freshmen. Of the 564 students that made either list, 44 more students achieved a place on the high honor roll than the honor roll; 304 to 260 students, respectively.