On Monday morning, fire alarms sounded twice causing everyone was evacuated out of the building. The alarms went off once before school started and once during first hour. Students and teachers waited anxiously outside, wondering if it was a drill or if there was a real fire in the building.
The source of the fire came from the art room, where maintenance staff were cleaning the ducts. “They were doing some cleaning of the smoke alarms in an art room, it set it off because of all the dust in the clay room; they thought they had the problem fixed but then it went off again,” Sophomore Dean, Mr. Keith Jones said.
The first time the alarm went off in the morning, the fire department was automatically dispatched. “If we don’t get them called right away then they dispatch their people, the second time we were able to tell them not to come,” Mr. Jones said.
Because this was not a drill, students and teachers waited outside until the fire department gave the all clear for people to go back into the building. “It’s nice to know that even just dust or the heat in the air will set off the alarm and that the alarms work well,” Mr. Jones said.