Because of the snow day on Tuesday, March 5, the Students for Human Life club field trip will happen on April 18. For Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Student Day, BSM students will spend the day at Minnesota’s capitol in St. Paul, learning about an issue regarding the pro-life agenda and speaking to legislators about their viewpoints. “The students take this theoretical thing and it becomes for them a hands on, realistic, real-life opportunity. It also takes away what seems to a lot of us to be an intimidating idea of getting involved with government and makes it really, really small,” said Mr. Zach Zeckser, Students for Human Life advisor and religion teacher.
Students are excited about the prospect of a second opportunity to experience a whole day of lobbying and exploring our government. “I was pretty disappointed when I heard it was cancelled because I was really looking forward to a day at the capitol and meeting with our legislators. I’m really happy they decided to reschedule it,” sophomore Libby Grygar said.