As in years past, BSM is hosting two new amity scholars during second semester. The Amities will be assisting teachers and helping students develop their foreign language skills. Part of the experience allows them to also enhance their English skills while being fully emerged in American culture.
France native Milaye Jean is working with the french classes while Chile native Leslie Fonseca Ulloa helps the Spanish classes. In Spanish classes, Ulloa will be working with each teacher in the language department, presenting about her home country, and helping students with homework and questions about the language.
Jean will be assisting the teachers in class and teaching students about her culture by presenting PowerPoints and working on collective class activities with the students. “I get to introduce myself, my country, my culture, show French songs and French films,” Jean said. “I hope to travel when I have time.”
Coming to the United States as an Amity offers opportunities these scholars have never experienced before. “I would like to travel around the states. I really would like to see other realities and have fun and make friends,” Ulloa said.
Jean is happy about the opportunity to come to America for her first time, experience the new culture, and develop a new sense of reality. “It has been fun seeing the American culture,” Jean said.
After arriving here on the weekend and only beginning to work at school for a couple of days, the BSM community has aided in the transition and welcomed the new Amities. “I really like the school. I think it’s an excellent school,” Ulloa said.
There are many challenges that come with living in a foreign country, but the Minnesota weather poses the most shock. “It has been hard because of the weather. This is something really really new to me,” Ulloa said.