In recent years, theology teacher Mr. Zach Zeckser has worked to integrate ideas of servant leadership into Benilde-St. Margaret’s theology department and daily work with the help of the Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul. His endeavors, as well as those of other Catholic high schools in the area, were rewarded Thursday, November 29, when representatives of seven metro-area Catholic schools met in the Moore Library conference room to discuss servant leadership in their schools. “Participants gained a better understanding of what servant leadership is, why we should embody it, and lots of ways to live it,” Mr. Zeckser said.
Though hosted by BSM, the event served the large-scale Archdiocesan Servant Leadership Network, a program backed by the Murray Institute. Various faculty members and administrators from Totino-Grace, Convent of the Visitation, DeLaSalle, Hill Murray, Holy Angels, and BSM attended the meeting, each taking an opportunity to share their successful ventures into servant leadership.
The group will meet again later this winter and once more in April, and hope to add to their numbers. “The same schools should be represented, but another three to four schools should be as well…I am absolutely thrilled with the potential for this effort and for what we have already begun,” Mr. Zeckser said.