The technology department is making plans for the faculty Macbooks to be replaced by crisp, thinner, and lighter Macbook Airs after Christmas break, pending the approval of the board at their meeting on December 19. The teachers’ current computers have been used for almost four years, and teachers often spend too much time at the help desk getting them fixed. “Teachers have older computers than students, and we need to replace them before they die,” technology integration specialist Jessica McMahon said.
With the newer and faster operating system, the teachers will spend less time at the Help Desk trying to solve technological complications, and the aluminum design, compared to current plastic laptops, will also minimize frequent splints and broken computers from both the faculty and students. “The old ones that still work will go to the loaner pool and support students’ laptops that break,” McMahon said.
Right now, the Technology Department and faculty suggest having the 11-inch Macbook Airs for the sake of cost, but BSM has budgeted for some teachers to have the more expensive 13-inch ones, costing $100 more. “Everybody seems to be happy with the new computers, but some art teachers use them a lot and need bigger ones,” McMahon said.
For students, the decision of providing MacBook Airs has not been made yet. Because of replacement costs, the board still needs to discuss and finalize whether students will be receiving new laptops next year. “We are hoping to get them over the summer for students to get them next school year,” McMahon said.