Backpacks have become an integral part of the student experience, and taking them away would inevitably cause some logistical problems.
First, for the unfortunate student who has Weisgram AP Government in the North Building, then follows it up with Glover Statistics, Band in the North Building, then Lex Chemistry, and has a locker that touches the freshman hallway, they have to either schlep two full sized and one medium textbook with them all morning, or try to game the system and make it to class on time.
Extending passing time would help to alleviate this problem, but there are two main problems with this theory: the administration probably wouldn’t go for it, and students really wouldn’t want to stay at school any longer than absolutely necessary.
One solution being talked about is keeping a set of texts in the classroom, but it’s unreasonable for teachers to give out enough texts for students to keep and have a class copy. Some classes don’t have enough usable books to hand out and ordering new books is expensive. Since we already have enough books with the current system, it is also unnecessary.
For most people, their backpacks also contain some of the student’s identity. We know who we can go to to nab some hand sanitizer, tissues, Sharpies, or a pair of scissors, but without backpacks, students won’t be able to carry these items around, leading to more irritation on the part of the teacher when they’ll constantly be asked for a pencil or looseleaf.
Spacemakers, “shoulder bags,” pencil bags, and purses aren’t compartmentalized, so they don’t satisfy student’s organizational needs, and as far as backpacks go, they’re as essential as a sunny day: often overlooked, but missed sorely when it’s gone.
Whether or not BSM is truly considering a no backpack rule, they should take a look at the advantages this rule would have. Backpacks are not only a cause for inconveniences in the hallways but attribute to much bigger problems like back pain.
I was walking down the hallway, in front of a boy who suddenly whipped around to walk the other direction to catch up with a friend. His backpack nailed me in the process and now I am blessed with a lovely zipper mark across the face. A simple solution to this problem would be to eliminate the cause; the backpack.
With a collection of textbooks—Calculus, Chemistry, Spanish, History and Religion—my backpack has the potential to weigh just as much as me. I am not alone though, nearly every student has at minimum two textbooks. These books are not light and when added to the other things such as clothing, pencil cases and sports equipment, a backpack becomes a plethora of unnecessary items to be carried all throughout the day.
I go to my locker between every two classes at minimum, but some people do not go to their lockers at all during the school day. Many people, mostly guys, choose to carry the contents of their locker on their backs. This rule would force boys and girls alike to keep their books in their locker and only get what they need for the class they are going to.
The junior high has already implemented this rule, and in doing so are building a healthier future for their students. Backpacks put too much pressure on students’ backs and as a person with back issues already I would love for a new rule to make BSM anti-backpack.