Ted Reiff finds himself constantly leaving the BSM campus to accompany his players at Holy Angles High School. This new science teacher is not only a member of the Benilde-St. Margaret’s community, but also one of Holy Angels. He is now on his tenth year of coaching the girl’s volleyball team at Holy Angles.
Mr. Reiff was a teacher at Holy Angels for nine years and still continues to coach his girls’ volleyball team at the school. At Holy Angels he taught chemistry, environmental science, biology, and physical science. While here at BSM, Mr. Reiff currently teaches 9th grade physical science.
However, working at both schools does have a very strong effect on Reiff’s schedule. Rieff normally must leave BSM before the students are even out of class. He then has to drive 20 minutes to make it on time to his coaching job. Admitting he sometimes feels a bit guilty having to leave so early, “I can never stay after school for extra help, that’s why mornings work out so much better,” said Mr. Reiff.
Mr. Reiff remains neutral when it comes to the topic of which school is better. “The schools are very similar, they are both Catholic and with about the same number of students,” said Reiff.
The Holy Angels girls’ volleyball team had attended the BSM volleyball tournament here in October, where both of his teams faced each other. “It is going to be a unique situation. Techniqually I’m still under contract with Holy Angels so I can’t exactly wear a BSM t-shirt,” said Mr. Reiff before the tourniment. Even with the rivalry, Ted Reiff finds comfort in the BSM halls.