Starting high school can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the help of Link Crew, incoming freshmen now have a chance to make new friends and get to know the community before the first day rolls around. On Friday, April 18 incoming freshmen are invited to come to BSM and meet with upperclassmen, interact with their fellow students, and engage in some interactive activities. “It’s just a fun-filled evening,” said freshman dean Ms. Rasmussen, “We’ll do some ice-breakers, eat pizza, have an open gym with DDR and Guitar Hero, and then we’ll show movie clips including some of the film studies projects.” Last year over 100 soon-to-be freshmen came, and this year Link Crew is expecting the same success. “It’s helpful because they might still be deciding what high school they’ll attend in the summer and this can help make their decision in favor of BSM,” said Ms. Rasmussen.
Kaia Preus, staff writer