Caroline Potter
Capturing the tasty sights of Swedish Candy.
Swedish candy has taken over social media over the past few months. Candy connoisseurs have been raving about the notorious sweet treat, and people have been trying desperately to get their hands on it. From ordering it online to finding it in a shop, people have been going to extreme lengths to try it since it isn’t widely available in most places.
I’ve been lucky enough to try it at Käramell in Paris, France, where they had a huge selection of Swedish candy. When I arrived at the shop, there was a long line of girls scooping candy into their bags, eager to try it. This was a positive start to this candy-buying experience for me, as I was skeptical about trying candy that was unfamiliar to me. A few of the most popular candies have been Bubs (a circular marshmallow candy), Skulls (a skull-shaped chewy candy), sour Swedish Fish, sour cherry gummies, sour bottles, and marshmallow hats. There are countless other candies to try, but those were the ones that stood out to me the most.
If I were to rebuy them, the first one I would pick would be the blue and yellow sour Bubs. This was by far the best candy I’ve ever tried. It had a burst of sour flavor but then tasted sweet afterward. The two close seconds for me were the cotton candy and Coca-Cola skulls. Because I’ve never tried either of those flavors in candy, it was interesting to taste them.
There has been some online talk about whether the candy is worth buying due to its expensive price. While it won’t break your bank account, compared to other candies, the receipt can look pretty high. It’s a fun treat to try a few times, but it’s not worth paying 20 dollars for half a pound whenever you’re craving candy, especially since it’s so hard to get your hands on. However, I think it’s a manageable price to pay every once in a while.
Despite the price, Swedish Candy lived up to the social media hype. The texture is unmatched; I have never tried a candy with a texture that is soft and chewy yet does not break your jaw when you eat it. If you are a candy connoisseur, Swedish candy is worth trying!