Courtesy of Erin Anderson
Freshman Cup held its last meeting in the Great Hall recently.
At the beginning of the year, Benilde-St. Margaret’s Link Crew began their second year running the Freshman Cup. They started the Cup in hopes of broadening connections throughout the freshman class and encouraging team bonding. The Link Crew members and advisors brainstormed multiple activities to run throughout the year that would encourage the freshman homerooms to work together and be a part of a team. These activities include events like relay races, homeroom Kahoots or Mad Libs, basketball free throw contests, poster making, and more. “I really liked the very first competition we did where the kids had to eat the Fruit by the Foot without using their hands. That would make me laugh,” Link Crew advisor John Groess said.
Entering the second semester of the 2023-24 school year, the homeroom competition remains a favorite for many freshmen. Students enjoy getting the chance to be active during the school day and it gives them the chance to connect with others from their grade in a fun way. “It makes the freshmen homerooms work together and get to know each other better, especially at the beginning of the year,” freshman Annie Mullin said.
Most students have a positive attitude towards the Link Crew and their approach to encouraging student unity within the freshman class. However, some students have alternative motives for participating in the competition. “It’s good and fun. It’s better than sitting in advisory,” freshman Maddox Auzenne said.
Groess addressed his feelings on the students’ opinions about the Freshman Cup. He believes that the freshman cup is beneficial to students. “I think they like it. But I think if you ask them, they’ll say no, I think they’re gonna be grumpy because kids like to say they hate things. But then if you actually ask them as juniors or seniors, they’re gonna say that lowkey was actually pretty fun,” Groess said.
As of December 4th, the freshman cup standings show team Tomato Basil in first place with 33 points, Miso Moana coming in a close second with 32 points, and four teams tied for third with 31 points. Two teams Cabbage Hook and Chicken Little Soup tied for fourth with 30 points, Lightening McCream in 5th with 29 points, Minnie Minestrone in 6th place with 28 points, and in last place team Goofy O’s with 26 points.