Students Practice Christmas Traditions to Grow Holiday Spirit
Students and staff getting into the Christmas spirit by admiring the tree in the Cube.
Many people within the BSM community have traditions that they do with their family and friends each year to get excited for Christmas. As the holiday season approaches closer and closer, traditions have started back up.
After Thanksgiving, decorating the Christmas tree is something many people take part in. It is a special and important thing that helps bring out the Christmas spirit. A tradition that junior Gavin Reed has is decorating his tree with his family each holiday season. “Every year, the day after Thanksgiving, my family and I pick out and decorate our Christmas tree with ornaments and lights,” Reed said.
Another tradition that is very popular in many families is the classic Elf on the Shelf. Many faculty and staff at BSM participate in this tradition each year to add some fun and special holiday cheer to the month of December. “Something me and my wife do with our family is Elf on the Shelf. Our kids have so much fun with this tradition, and it really brings joy to them during the holiday season,” Assistant Principal Matt Weingartz said.
On the first Tuesday of December, many families partake in St. Nicholas day. They put their shoes out at night and hope to wake up with some sort of gift inside the following morning. “Each year, ever since my oldest was born, we have participated in St. Nicholas Day as a fun little add on to the Christmas season. However, we call it shoe buddy because when my oldest was little he got confused and started calling it that. It has been a family joke and tradition ever since,” substitute teacher Nicole Wolfe said.
Another favorite tradition during the holiday season that kids have is listening to Christmas music. It is a type of music that is specific to only the Christmas season, so it brings a sense of joy to students as Christmas is a happy time of the year. It is also very versatile as you can listen to it while baking cookies or driving around looking at Christmas lights. “At night with either my friends or my family, I will drive around listening to music while looking at lights and getting in the Christmas spirit,” sophomore Ellie Shideman said.
Spending time with family is very important, so many families have traditions where they get together each year. “One of my family’s traditions is we always go over to my aunt’s house and make homemade hard candies. This is a fun tradition where my whole family gets spending time together,” senior Michaela Mergen said.
As it gets closer to the 25th, the traditions and spirit ramp up. For example, many students do some sort of celebration on Christmas Eve. “My family and I go to the candle light mass on Christmas Eve where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. After we go to church we are able to open one present from under the Christmas tree. This tradition always brings me joy, as I know the day is here,” junior Jack Anderson said.
Another tradition that students celebrate on Christmas Eve is playing games with their families. It adds another fun element to the night. “My family plays fish bowl, which is a game with different rounds of charades incorporated, on Christmas Eve. We all get super into it and it’s some of my best Christmas memories I have with my family,” senior Mallory Mathwig said.
Christmas Eve also comes with responsibilities of hosting for some students and their families. “My family is always in charge of hosting the extended family on Christmas Eve, and I love the time I get to spend with them, but sometimes it can be a lot of work to host,” senior Abby Lohmann said.
Christmas Day is a day where lots of families have the most traditions because it is a holiday full of spending quality time with family. One of these consists of a special Christmas morning breakfast. “A tradition my family has done on Christmas morning for as long as I can remember is having cinnamon rolls for breakfast,” sophomore Casey Butner said.
Happy holiday season Red Knights!