The 4-10 shift is dreadful for most, but is it worth the extra money? Students are just getting their license and getting the first feel of adulthood responsibilities. However, for many students maintaining a job in the school year can be a struggle.
For many high school students, having a job during the school year can have a positive impact on their life. Many students like to have a job during the school year because they like to have extra money around that can help with their social life. Having a high school job can also help with things such as food, gas, going to sporting events, car payments, and money towards college (to name a few). On top of the money, a first job in high school can help prepare students for after high school with job experience and some money to help them go into college. A first job can be scary at times, but high school jobs help prepare students for their future in multiple different ways such as interview experience, social experience, customer experience, and whatever else their job may offer. “It was scary coming into a new environment at first but I am very glad I got my first job because the experience will make life easier moving forward,” said senior Kieran Wickner said, who works at Your Boat Club.
Senior Owen Omdahl works at the Minneapolis Golf Club as a groundskeeper during the school year. His main responsibility is mowing the golf course, in which he makes $12-15 an hour doing so. He typically works on the weekends from 5-10, as it can be difficult to balance work and school during the week. “I really like to have the extra cash from working the weekends,” Omdahl said.
At the same time, having a job during the school year can have a negative impact on students. Some students really want the extra money, so they try to force a job during school. This can have a negative effect on students if it doesn’t leave students the time they need for homework and the proper amount of sleep. Many students choose to quit their jobs at the end of summer because they can’t balance work and school at the same time. “I had to quit my job at the grocery store because there is not enough time after school while I play soccer,” senior Tenekay Johnson said.
If you are a student looking for a job during the school year, some of the most popular jobs among high school students are working at the grocery store, the golf course, the movies, babysitting, or as a yard worker. Having a job in high school can be influential in many ways, but make sure it is the right choice for you.