Students and teachers share the importance of college visits

Nicole Crescini

More stories from Nicole Crescini


Nicole Crescini

College visits help students determine if they see themselves there.

Most sophomores, juniors, and seniors have thought about what college they want to attend, and where, but a big part of the college application process is actually going and seeing the school in person. 

There are many options to research a college, but students should look at a wide variety of options. “I think it’s important to do both and meet with schools to get an idea of what you’re interested in and be smart and then go and visit colleges because it’s expensive, especially east and west coasts. I think you should definitely take advantage of schools coming to BSM. It’s important to visit both small and large schools so you can see what the best fit for you is,” Spanish teacher Ms. Alison Terrell said.

Seeing the campus through one’s own eyes can be beneficial to the college search process. “I think it’s important to get a gut reaction of the campus and community and to see if these are my people,” counselor Ms. Kate Berry said.

Knowing the facts of the school is crucial. Not only does asking questions to improve knowledge of the school but it also shows the admissions counselors leading the tour one’s interest in the school. “Ask questions and prepare and engage with a tour guide while on the tour because they are a student at the school so you can see what life is like at the school,” Berry said. 

Ask questions and prepare and engage with a tour guide while on the tour because they are a student at the school so you can see what life is like at the school.

— Ms. Kate Berry

Taking advantage of this advice, junior Melanie Chang toured Harvard University.  “You see the atmosphere and how the students interact with one another. I liked Harvard because the campus was beautiful, the library was the focal point and the statues surrounding it gave it a college town feel,” Chang said.