High school has drastically changed over the decades—fashion trends, music, technology, innovations, and more—but some things stay the same: the connections that people made, the emphasis on putting effort into getting good grades, and having fun while staying true to one’s self.
Many adults at BSM think that grades should be a priority. “It’s one of the things I tell every ninth grader who walks in the door: start out getting good grades because ninth grade is the biggest hole you dig that’s hard to get out. Get on these books. I can tell you, countless people who didn’t listen, start out the hard way, and grind out their sophomore year and junior year,” Coach Joe Creer said.
GPA is an important element that colleges look at during application. “Make sure your GPA counts from semester one! So learn good study habits at the beginning so you don’t have to dig yourself out of a hole,” science teacher Ms. Jennifer Roushar said.
Although grades are important, memories made during high school stick with students for a long time. “Four years go by like that. I promise that. Before you know it, you’re a senior when you’re just walking through the door as a freshman. And my main thing I love to tell my seniors: when school started in September your year is already over. Make memories, have fun, because when you sit on that rocking chair as a grandparent, and you – even if you tell your kids – you’re gonna give ‘em everything you did in high school: fun stuff. You’re gonna reminisce, and you’re gonna tell them about all the great years you had in high school, ‘cause you only live high school once in life,” Creer said.
High school memories often originate from involvement in school activities. “[I have memories of] friends, and football games, and I was in the marching band and I actually really liked to march. . . and do the flag twirling during the halftime shows at the football games,” Roushar said.
Above all, several teachers said that remembering one’s values and focusing on what is really important is a key part of high school. “Be the best version of yourself…try to be the best person you can be, and at the same time don’t worry so much about what people think of you,” Mr. John Delozier, religion teacher, said.