Matthew McGonigle
Junior Quinn Elsenbast and the BSM girls' swim team dives into the season.
The BSM girls’ swimming team has prepared themselves for another year of competition. With the 2018 season beginning, there comes new opportunities for records to be beaten and medals to be won.
Senior captains Elle Dickey, Maya Argenta, and Abby Sohm believe the biggest goal of the season is to send as many girls to State as possible, but they also hope to create long-lasting friendships that they can have for the rest of their BSM careers. To accomplish these goals, the team conditions before school every Monday and Wednesday at 6:15 am. “The girls come ready to put in the hard work every day and cheer each other on to make each other better,” Argenta said.
This year’s team is one of the largest yet, at 40 girls. With a team this big, team bonding is important and a key to achieve the goals for the season. “We have the biggest team yet … and that will be awesome for team bonding… And we have two new divers,” Dickey said.
The team lost many seniors who contributed to the team last year. “We lost some really good swimmers last year and the year before that,” Dickey said.
However, the team has gained a lot of new talent who is determined to get better and make up for these losses. Since swimming is a team sport, everyone has to work together. “We win together and lose together as a team. You can’t win a meet with just a couple good swims, so we need the whole team too,” Dickey said.
As the 2018 season moves along, the girls continue to work hard day in and day out. Because of their dedication, team chemistry, and love for the sport, the team is hoping for successful results and to achieve their goals. “I am so grateful I get to be a captain of such an awesome team, and I can’t wait to watch through the season as everyone gets better and better,” Argenta said.