Lauren Beh
Senior Max Byzewski and the other golfers practiced indoors.
With the grass beginning to break through the snow and the conclusion of the Masters, many sports fans are turning their attention to the BSM boys’ golf season.
Coming off a decent finish to last season, there are positive expectations for this spring. About half of this year’s varsity team is returning, and a few of the seniors are aiming to play in college next year. “The opportunity is there for us if we can have quality practices and the right mindset,” senior captain Jake Leonard said.
The persistence of the Minnesota winter prevented the golfers from the hitting the courses, leaving the tryout process to be held indoors at Golf Zone in Chaska. “This is the first time in a while our season is getting cut into so severely by the weather,” Leonard said.
Another exciting change for this season is the new head coach. Dave Herbst is a seasoned coach, having experience both in girls’ hockey and boys’ golf. The players are confident Herbst will be able to direct them in the right direction to take advantage of a deep and highly talented team.
Part of Herbst’s new coaching techniques include playing as much as possible by practicing daily at Meadowbrook Golf Course in St. Louis Park, in hopes to raise the overall skill level of all players. “Coach Herbst is planning on changing the practice philosophy from practicing to more competing. This will make all us get in the habit of focusing and playing our best everyday,” Leonard said.
With the current course conditions the boys look to make the most of the short season by hitting the ground running.