Chase Mouser
Stockhaus looks forward to leading the new choir at BSM.
The BSM music department will spend the year experimenting with the addition of a community choir––for anybody and everybody who would like to join. Mrs. Nancy Stockhaus, a senior high music teacher, will be spearheading the innovation as director of the new choral group.
This summer, Stockhaus had the inspiration to create an ensemble at BSM for “everybody but students.” Its purpose being “to bring people to the school and reconnect with alumni,” said Stockhaus. The idea was consistent with community engagement of the school’s 2020 plan, and the school met it with enthusiasm.
The unseasoned choir will make their debut on Monday, December 14 at their Christmas-themed unveiling in the BSM theater. Their intention is to start anew come 2016 and hopefully develop enough interest to organize another concert this spring. If their two appearances come with their desired snowball effect, the choir will acquire enough members to become a BSM institution for years to come, singing at masses and gatherings.
Stockhaus also aspires to bring families into the community with the entirely inclusive nature of the group. “They don’t have to have a BSM connection. You might get someone who’s never been in the building and think my seventh grader might really like it here,” said Stockhaus.
Stockhaus would like readers to encourage their parents to join––and bring their neighbors.