Aspiring performers and Benilde-St. Margaret’s seniors, Lexi Johnson and Danny Faber, have recently been awarded a spot in the state’s top 12 of recognized “triple threat” high school theater performers by the prestigious Spotlight competition which the BSM theater department has participated in for the past four years.
The award was created to honor students who show outstanding ability in singing, dancing, and acting. Initially, 24 students were selected through an audition process, and 12 were eliminated, creating an elite group of six men and six women all competing for the top spot of their sex. Ultimately, the two winners will win a summer trip to New York City where they will learn and observe the different aspects of a life and career in the theater.
As most of the “triple threat” finalist, along with Johnson and Faber, are hopeful for a career in musical theater, this award is a massive learning experience which will hopefully enhance the finalists desires to follow this difficult career path. “I think just the fact that you have to go through the process of auditioning and all that really helps you understand the business better-and the competition and the other kids they meet who are striving for the same thing. They get to meet adults who are actually pursuing careers in the theater, and they get to perform on that huge stage in front of everyone,” said Stockhouse.
Seniors, Lexi Johnson and Danny Faber, were recognized with an “Outstanding Performance In a Leading Role” award for their performances in BSM’s spring production of “The Wizard of Oz,” a prerequisite to becoming a triple threat finalist.
This is Johnson’s second year as a top 12 “triple threat” finalist. She is hoping to end her long and consistently dazzling career in High School theater by making it all the way to the final spot. Mentor Nancy Stockhouse emits pride of her student’s growth. “She has grown in her ability all across the board in singing, dancing, and acting because of her strong discipline and drive for success,” said Stockhouse. This is not to mention her natural ability to “belt the heck out of some high notes.”
Faber, after persevering through the ranks of the theater department, starting as smallest part in the junior high play and finishing as playing the male leads of the last two spring musicals, will be joining the top 12 for the first time this year. Mentor Nancy Stockhouse emits pride of her student’s growth. “He has worked extremely hard outside of school to master his craft, and it has really paid off as he has been selected as a student at NYU next year.” Although a summer trip to New York seems futile in light of his future education in acting, the award would be a tremendous honor and worthwhile experience.
Benilde-St. Margaret’s, along with all the other schools participating in the Spotlight competition, will be performing a condensed, musical version of their Spring play at the massive Orpheum theater in Downtown, Minneapolis. This performance is a widely unrecognized highlight of the year for the drama department. Lexi and Danny will be featured in the “triple threat” portion of the show where the final winners will be announced.