Staff Editorial: You probably won’t like this editorial…

We love to complain. We complain about backpacks in school, even though we never had them, and snow days because we suppose we deserve them. We’re pretty sure the chicken at Holiday Ball was raw, and we told everyone.

We’re still crabby that we couldn’t wear Ugg boots in eighth grade. We get bent out of shape over where we sit in class and complain about the activities we join. We knowingly walk into school out of dress code and get upset when Ms. Rasmussen busts us. Taher runs out of cookies by C lunch.

Our lives suck.

It’s probably our fault we’re unhappy. It’s not like we’re going to do anything about it; that involves work – or at the very least, tweeting at Dr. Skinner. The Knight Errant publishes rants about low pressure water fountains. (Granted, the Justin Bieber rant is legitimate.) Maybe next school board meeting an editor will show up and further voice our disdain with these dreaded water fountains.

Well, probably not. We won’t show up because we don’t really care, much like you all don’t really care that the Holiday Ball chicken was awful. We don’t show up because in all honesty, we’ve run out of legitimate things to complain about. Because partner tests are apparently something worth taking 15 minutes to write a rant about.

It’s our fault. As a greater student body, we should be eager to voice our opinions to the point that they are heard. And we’re not talking about having your friend write a rant for you in the school newspaper. Take it beyond Twitter and beyond the gripe to your lab partner. Take it to a place that shows that we care about the place we’re in. Of course, that depends upon whether or not the issue is actually as important as we like to make the most menial of issues sound.

Look for a little perspective. Often, we complain about the most inconsequential “problems” with our school and its policies. If we really think hard, there is surely something more critical than the two inches of thigh you actively choose to display today.

Maybe next issue we should write a staff editorial about something legitimate, like welfare or human rights – two topics that are actually important in our world. But much like school issues, we’ll probably just tell our friends about that time we tweeted #Kony2012 and felt like an upstander.

Here’s a crazy idea: actually do something. Write a letter to a Congressman or participate in a rally – that is, if you actually care. And if you don’t, please stop making Facebook statuses about your disdain with whatever public policy issue you chose that day.

Yeah, we really should write about something important next issue. Oh, who are we kidding? We’ll probably write about leggings.