Emily Larson
Due to the success of the clothing drive, two teachers dyed their hair.
Students walking the halls of Benilde-St. Margaret’s may take notice of the vibrant hair colors of teachers Mr. Dan Sylvester and Ms. Anna Overbo. Their cotton candy cuts are the result of the Winter Clothing Drive held last week by the junior and senior high school student council members.
BSM fell just short of the goal of 1200 winter clothing items with 1111 articles by the end of the week, but the two teachers felt obliged to go through with their promises of dyeing their hair pink and blue. “I was less enthusiastic about shaving my head, which was the other option, so pink hair was the next best thing,” Ms. Overbo said. The two teachers will be sporting their colorful hairdos for weeks to come, showing their appreciation for the BSM students’ generosity.
Along with Ms. Overbo and Mr. Sylvester’s support, Ms. Katie McDonald pioneered the event for low-income families.The coats will be donated to S.T.E.P., a St. Louis Park organization devoted to helping low income families and individuals. “To be honest, it was a pretty lofty goal, and we questioned if we would get close to it, and we were really happy with the outcome,” Ms. McDonald said.