Instead of going sledding or building a snowman after a big snowstorm, juniors Ned Nelson and Jake Horton spent the past two winters shoveling snow for an elderly woman, Ms. Marilyn Goldman. After shoveling her driveway every time it snowed, the two boys were recognized for their dedication to helping others and were awarded the Roland and Doris Larson St. Louis Park Caring Youth Recognition Award on April 26.
Simply looking for a way to accumulate some volunteer hours for Red Knight Volunteer Corps, Nelson and Horton were assigned to work for Ms. Goldman during the winter of their sophomore year. After meeting her only a few times, the boys loved shoveling for her because it made her happy. “It warmed my heart when she walks out the door and smiled because she didn’t have to worry about slipping on the ice on her driveway,” said Horton.
The ceremony was held at the downtown Minneapolis Marriott Hotel where Roland and Doris Larson, the creators of the award, along with the mayor of St. Louis Park, congratulated all of the award recipients for their accomplishments and called them each on stage individually to receive their award. “It was really official,” said Nelson. “We all got a certificate and a framed quote from each of us that we gave them ahead of time. Mine said, ‘No joy is greater than the joy of serving others.’”
Although the recognition was nice, both Nelson and Horton agree the service was well worth their time, even without it. “Even though it wasn’t always fun shoveling every weekend, it felt good to help her because she was a great lady,” said Nelson.