Sophomores attend respect retreat

At the end students partake in a final reflection.

Kate Janda, Staff Writer

This Tuesday, sophomores were taken to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Minneapolis to participate in the annual Youth Frontiers Respect Retreat. Ms. Meagher, who is one of the people in charge of organizing the retreat, says: “It’s all about respect, namely the three areas of respect: respecting yourself, respecting others, and standing up for respect.”

Sophomores used the day away from school to focus on the charism of respect and bond with their classmates. Meagher claims that being grouped with people “you wouldn’t normally talk to or don’t have class with gives you the opportunity to get to know them in a different way.”

At the retreat, sophomores participated in respect-building activities, including singing, icebreakers, and talks from the leaders that gave basis for small group discussion. BSM seniors, who guided each small group, led the underclassmen in discussion, Q&A, and creative activities. Prior to the retreat, senior Jason Kang looked forward to the experience. “I’m most excited to interact with the sophomores and get to know them in person. Throughout the school year, I haven’t really gotten the chance to talk to the underclassmen. I can give them advice, if they need it,” Kang said.

Sophomores were eager to take the day off of school. “I was excited to unify our class, although I didn’t really know what the retreat was about. But I was looking forward to getting to know more people in my grade and sharing this experience with everyone,” sophomore Elsa Beise said.

“A retreat is a great way for classes to bond in a different way. The idea of leaving BSM for a day, the idea of being in a close space, all together, where you can see everyone’s faces can help you get to know them on a deeper level,” Meagher said.