Solar panels are to be installed at BSM in the fall of 2016


Mary Hoyt

The former junior high students who lobbied for the solar panels stand with Dr. McNamara as they figure out where on BSM’s roof the panels are to be located.

Christopher Jones, Staff Writer

Last year, BSM started an initiative to become a more “green” school. So far, BSM has become successful in their efforts. By creating a system that makes it possible for students to compost and recycle during lunch, the school has become more efficient and has decreased its trash output.

To further BSM’s efficiency, the school administrators decided to add solar panels to the roof of BSM. Not only will this investment save the school money in the long run, but the BSM community has a duty as a Catholic school to be stewards of God’s Earth. “BSM is making a commitment to the Catholic Social Teaching of Care for Creation,” Technology Director Dr. Stephen Pohlen said. 

Four years ago, former Junior High Principal Dr. Carol McNamara led her classes classes in a project about the advantages of solar energy. They presented their projects to the Board of Directors. After this presentation, the Board gained interest in solar-powered energy. The group of people here at BSM working with the solar panels then toured tenKsolar’s facility, which will provide the school with solar panels. 

An investigation took place into the finances and the benefits of the addition of solar panels. BSM hopes to start installation of the first set of solar panels this year. The goal is to have the solar panels on the roof by the fall of 2016. 

The engineering of the panels was no easy feat considering BSM’s roof will need repairs soon. One third of the roof will receive the addition of solar panels, which will produce energy directly for the XCel Grid. BSM will save money by giving power to the grid and will receive direct discounts from their energy bill based on how much energy is added to the grid. “This system will hopefully cover a third of energy costs,” Pohlen said.